Cost Module is an online design tool to create the window/door based on customer’s idea. Dealers use Cost Module to create window to getting customer make orders with customer, control the price, fee and additional options for each window project. Cost Module allows manager to prepare window template, setup the based price and some other conditions with the manufacturer.
- Create dynamic window/door by online tool
- Auto adjust width / height for window
- Manage order, dealer, customer, project
- Multiple languages
- Allow dealers use mobile app to
- Adjust size, color, additional option for window/component
- Make order, set fee, margin, promotion
- Java – Android
- Objective C – IOS
- .NET core 1.2
- SQL Server 2012
- Angular 5
- Build a dynamic window design tool – image processing
- Auto adjust width / height for window on mobile
- Work with non-technical customer
- Research and study the algorithm from other website
- Think like a non-technical user, support them to transform business requirements to technical feature